BOGE compressor control airtelligence provis 3
Page 57
Use of the control
Component detail view
The shadow (4) can be used to call further tiles with information and data
about this component, see also „Further options for navigation on level 3“,
page 31.
Component detail view -
Except for the name of the compressor, which can be changed, only display
values are output on the first tile "Compressor information" (1). These values
(depending on the operational behavior of the compressor) are communicated
by the compressor control to the master
airtelligence provis 3
, including the
software version of the slave control or the Modbus Interface Module 2.0.
However, the value under Priority refers to the profiles that were set up in
telligence provis 3
. If a profile is currently active in which priorities are taken
into account and the compressor has been assigned a priority, its priority is
displayed here. In the current case the profile "flow" is valid. No priorities are
considered, therefore no value is displayed.
The following tiles of the component detail view contain the basic setup of the
compressor regarding its functionality in the compressed air network so that it
can be generated and controlled by
airtelligence provis 3
. The setup is usu-
ally carried out during commissioning of the control, but subsequent adjust-
ments are also possible, for example, if a new compressor is added to the
network or basic adjustments are to be made.
The following is a brief description of the contents of the individual tiles, in
which setup settings for the compressor can be made:
Configuration (2)
Machine-dependent setup settings according to type plate and compressor
data. Utilization optimization is a fixed value that only needs to be adjusted in
exceptional cases and as required by the system.
Additional information (3)
Similar to the first tile, these are also values that are initially displayed on the
slave compressor control. An exception is the target pressure, which is calcu-
lated and specified by airtelligence provis 3.
Communication settings
IP settings of the component for internal technical network or external cus-
tomer network.
The change of settings in the component detail view can only be done after
login (at least level "Service").
Danger of malfunctions in control behavior and damage to components
due to incorrect settings!
Incorrect or unqualified settings for the compressor can lead to faults or mal-
functions in the control behavior and damage to network components.
The settings in the component detail view may only be carried out by
BOGE service personnel or qualified persons who have received BOGE
training on this control.