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6.1 Warnings
The use of gas appliances is
subject to statutory control; it is
essential to observe the current
regulations and laws in force
(see also chapter 5).
The appliance must discharge
combustion products directly
outside or into a suitable ex-
haust duct designed for this
purpose. Combustion products
must be discharged using origi-
nal flue kits only, since they are
integral parts of the boiler.
For Propane, the appliance must also con-
form with the requirements of the distribu-
tors and comply with current Regulations
and laws in force.
The safety relief valve and the condensate
drain must be connected to a suitable drain,
or discharge in a safe manner.
The electrical wiring must conform with cur-
rent Regulations, in particular:
• The Aoiler must be earthed using the cor-
rect bonding clamp.
• a fused spur isolation switch, with a gap of
at least 3 mm between the contacts must
be installed near to the boiler.
Refer to section "Electrical connections"
to page 31 in this chapter for the electrical
In no circumstances will the manufac-
turer be held responsible if the warnings
and instructions contained in this manu-
al have not been complied with.
6.2 Precautions for installation
For the installation proceed as
• The boiler must be fixed to a strong wall.
• The dimensions for the exhaust fume duct
(detailed in section "Choice of flue" to
page 29) and the correct procedures for
installing the duct, depicted in the instruc-
tion leaflet included with the flue kit, must
be complied with during installation.
• To allow maintenance procedures it is
necessary to leave the minimum gaps in-
dicated in Fig. 6.1.
Fig. 6.1
All measures are in mm
• When installing the boiler in a cupboard,
cover or alcove allow at least 50 mm per-
manent clearance from the front face of
the boiler. Also ensure sufficient clearance
to allow free access for servicing and the
lowering of the front control panel.
• If the boiler is installed outside, cover the
appliance to protect it against the ele-
ments and add some special anti-freeze
(neutralised) to the c.h. system.