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of the balcony
** Consideration should be given to adding
protection against condensate to the adja-
cent structure
*** Wall terminals with horizontal discharge
less than 2.5 m from a car parking space
and less than 2.1 m above the ground.
Wall terminals less than 2.1 m above the
ground with horizontal discharge of the
flue products across a public footway, or a
frequently used private access route, or a
patio (hard surface area).
5.4 Gas supply
The Gas meter is connected to the service
pipe by the local gas region or a local gas re-
gion contractor.
If the gas supply for the boiler serves other
appliances ensure that an adequate supply
is available both to the boiler and the other
appliance when they are in use at the same
Pipework must be of adequate size. Pipes of
a smaller size than the boiler inlet connection
should not be used.
Installation pipes should be fitted in accord-
ance with BS 6891 and the complete installa-
tion should be tested for tightness.
For Ireland (IE), refer to I.S.813.2002.
5.5 Air supply
The room in which the boiler is installed does
not require a purpose provided air vent.
5.6 Ventilation
If installed in a cupboard or compartment, it is
not necessary to provide additional ventilation
for cooling for this particular product. Howev-
er consideration must be given to clearance
requirements for maintenance (section "Pre-
cautions for installation" to page 26) and un-
der no circumstances must stored articles be
allowed to come into contact with the boiler
or flue pipe.
5.7 Condensate drain
Ensure that the condensate discharge com-
plies with the national or local regulations in
force. The condensate pipe must be fitted in
accordance with Building Regulations.
Drain pipe material should be resistant to acid
as the condensate is slightly acid with a pH
less than 6.5. The boiler includes a trap (28on
page 17) that prevents the combustion prod-
ucts entering the drain, however an additional
trap with a seal of at least 75 mm and an air
break between the traps is required Fig. 5.2
and Fig. 5.3. The length of the condensate
pipe should be kept to a minimum, any ex-
ternal pipe should not be more than 3 m in
32 mm pipe and insulated to prevent freezing.
To avoid condensate being trapped:
• the drain pipe should be run with a fall of at
least 2.5° (45 mm/m) away from the boiler;
• the number of bends and joints should be
kept at minimum;
• the drain pipe should be adequately fixed to
prevent pipe sagging.
If a part of the drainpipe runs externally this
part should be kept as short as possible and
protected to reduce the risk of freezing.