DDT-320-000 Rev G Belmont Medical Technologies
clamping. Thermal injury may occur if heating/cooling is applied to ischemic
10. Wraps cannot be placed over transdermal patches.
11. Wraps should not come in contact with open wounds.
12. Do not touch the ribbon cable behind the display and the patient
1. Follow the warning notes listed in the various sections of this manual.
2. Only trained personnel familiar with all system operating procedures
and certified only by Belmont Medical Technologies or authorized
agents of Belmont Medical Technologies are allowed to use the
MINI system.
3. If moisture or leaks are discovered in the connecting hose and/or
wrap, turn off the CritiCool
MINI device, disconnect the power cable
from its power source, and correct the problem before proceeding.
4. If the device sounds an alarm and/or presents a display other than the
standard Belmont Medical Technologies display, the operator should
proceed according to the display message and/or the troubleshooting
instructions (See CHAPTER 7: TROUBLESHOOTING).
5. Avoid folds in the Wrap—these may obstruct water flow.
6. Do not block the CritiCool
MINI device ventilation grilles. Air must be
able to flow freely in and out to keep the device cool.
7. Use sterile or 0.22 µm filtered water. Do not use de-ionized water or
water created through reverse osmosis because it may promote
corrosion of the metal components of the system.
8. When X-ray imaging is performed on a patient wearing a wrap,
shadows from the wrap may appear on the X-ray film.
9. Avoid inserting any sharp object between the patient and the wrap.
10. Read all manufacturers’ instructions associated with the
temperature probes or temperature probe adapters supplied by
Belmont Medical Technologies.