Static IP Address Configuration
Configuring TCP/IP-32 for a static IP address requires configuring both TCP/IP-32 and FastLink II to use the
same static IP address.
NOTE: Before you setup WFW for TCP/IP support, you must already have configured Windows
for Workgroups for basic network connectivity. If you have not done this, refer to your WFW
documentation, or the README.TXT file supplied with FastLink II.
To configure TCP/IP for a static IP address:
If TCP/IP-32 has already been installed, run Network Setup from the Network group in WFW.
In the Network Setup dialog box, select the Microsoft TCP/IP-32 3.11 line, and click on the
Drivers Button.
In the Network Drivers dialog box, select the Microsoft TCP/IP-32 3.11 line, and click on the
Setup Button.
In the Microsoft TCP/IP dialog box, enter your static IP address in the IP Address field.
Enter your IP subnet mask in the Subnet Mask field
Enter your remote access server gateway address in the Default Gateway field.
To configure FastLink II for a static IP address:
Run FastLink II, and select the Connections button at the left of the screen. Highlight the Connect
drop-down box, and select the connection whose settings you want to set for your IP connection.
Click on the
[IP Protocol Settings]
button, and check the Static IP address button.
Highlight the Address field and enter your static IP address.