Dynamic IP Address Configuration
Configuring Reflection for a dynamic IP address requires configuring Reflection for BOOTP or RARP protocol;
we recommend BOOTP, since it provides for a simpler configuration. Configure FastLink II for a dynamic IP
To configure Reflection for BOOTP:
Click on the Network Configuration icon in the TCP/IP Windows group. Select the TCP/IP
category button on the left-hand side.
Press the [Remote] button, and then turn on the Enable Remote Configuration checkbox.
In the Protocol group box, select BOOTP.
In the Server group box, check Use Broadcast Method.
In the Data to Obtain group box, check Local IP Address. The checkboxes marked Local Host &
Domain Name (and) Domain Name Servers must be disabled (left blank) for FastLink II to work
To configure FastLink II for a dynamic IP address:
Run FastLink II, and select the Connections button at the left of the screen. Highlight the Connect
drop-down box, and select the connection whose settings you want to set for your IP connection.
Click on the [IP Protocol Settings] button, and check the Dynamic IP address button.
You must already have an active FastLink II connection before running any Reflection applications. This allows
Reflection to use the BOOTP protocol to obtain its address.