The FastLink II ODI Driver
ODI (Open Data-link Interface) is the Novell standard upon which network communications is based. The ODI
standard describes the different layers required for network communications and how they should interact.
FastLink II is fully compliant with this standard, and allows you to operate standard Novell networking software
You may already be familiar with other ODI drivers. NE2000.COM, for example, is an ODI driver that operates
an Ethernet card, just as the FastLink II ODI driver operates a modem or other communications device.
The FastLink II ODI driver (FLODI.COM) is the main component of FastLink II. It allows communication with
a Remote Annex server that uses Point-to-Point protocol (PPP), a standard data-link level protocol.
The FastLink II ODI driver allows both IPX and IP protocols to run over the PPP connection. FastLink II
includes Novell’s IPX and LAN Workplace IP stack. There are also numerous vendors that supply IP stacks
which are also compatible with FastLink II.
These are the various components that must be loaded to establish an IPX connection and attach to NetWare
servers. These are, in order of loading:
LSL.COM — The Link Support Layer. This is the “traffic cop” that manages the communication between ODI
drivers and protocols such as IPX and IP.
FLODI.COM — The FastLink II ODI driver. This module sends and receives packets of data over the phone
line on behalf of IPXODI or an IP ODI driver.
IPXODI.COM — The IPX protocol. IPXODI finds the FastLink II ODI driver and uses it for all packet
communications over the network.
VLM.EXE or NETX.EXE — One of these must be loaded before you can attach to NetWare file servers. Both
use IPX to communicate with file servers. NETX is the older NetWare shell technology. VLM is the newer
NetWare redirector and provides improved performance (burst mode) and additional features that are useful for
remote access.
You can establish an IP connection at the same time that you run IPX. Depending on the IP stack you are using,
you may need to load additional TSRs, or make changes to your system files.
NOTE: Refer to your IP stack vendor’s documentation for how to load TSRs and modify your
system files. See the FastLink II IPSTACKS.HLP help file for the latest information on IP stack
configuration with FastLink II.