NOTE: Your Administrator may have set up special rules for dialback. For security purposes,
you may be required to use dialback, and only from particular phone numbers known to the
server. It’s also possible that you are precluded from using dialback. Your Administrator can
help you set up the proper dialback options.
Execute Script
You can execute a script which allow you to easily automate connections to a Remote Annex server with front-
end security.
To specify a script to use, highlight the Execute Script drop-down box and select a script from the list.
NOTE: If you plan to connect to a terminal server that prompts with "Login:" and "Password:",
, or use the Scripts dialog to create a new script for your Remote Annex
Terminal Mode on Connect
Terminal mode on connect is useful if you need to communicate with a communications server or security
device that requires you to enter information before connecting to the Remote Annex server. Checking this box
will automatically start Terminal Mode in the following situations:
When you click Connect, FastLink II will pop up the Terminal Mode screen, which is equivalent to
If you run FastLink II from the command line with a connection name, the Terminal Mode screen
will automatically pop up.
In Windows, if the connection is broken, when redial begins the Terminal Mode screen will pop up.