Use Program Manager’s
File New
command to create a new Program Item in the group of your
Set the Command Line field to run the FastLink II User Interface and specify a connection name as
an argument. For example, to create a FastLink II icon that uses the DIAL connection, you would
and the new icon is ready for use.
Creating an Icon that Connects and Logs In
The following procedure shows how to create an icon similar to the Dial & Guest Login icon in your Software
program group. This icon automatically connects to a Remote Annex server using the connection name, then
runs a batch file in a DOS box to log in to a NetWare file server.
In order for this to work, your system must be set up so that when you log in or map a drive in a DOS box, you
do so “globally” and affect the entire system, not just the one DOS box. To make sure that this is the case, run
NetWare User Tools (NWUSER.EXE), click the NetWare Settings icon or press
, and make sure the
Global Drives & Path
box is checked. If not, check it and restart Windows so this change will take effect.
To create the icon, follow these steps:
If you don’t already have one, create a local login script that attaches to servers, maps drives, and
otherwise sets up your networking environment.
NOTE: Local login scripts are discussed in the chapter “Connecting From DOS.”
Create a DOS Batch (.BAT) file that logs you into the network and give it a descriptive name (such
The first line must make your first network drive the current drive. (Check the FIRST NETWORK
DRIVE setting of your NET.CFG file for the appropriate drive letter.) This is really just a trick to
“wake up” VLM and let it make its initial attachment to the first server it sees.
The second line should contain the LOGIN command you require, which would include the name of
a local login script, the name of a file server, and your user name.
The following is an example of a batch file that logs in to server TEST as user GUEST and uses a
local login script GUEST.DAT: