II-2 The FastLink II User
The FastLink II User Interface can be run from DOS or Windows:
FLINK.EXE is the DOS version of the user interface.
FLINKW.EXE is the Windows version of the user interface.
FLINK.EXE and FLINKW.EXE perform mostly the same functions and operate the same way. You can use one
or the other as the need arises.
The sections that follow describe the dialogs that allow you to control FastLink II. In most cases, the
documentation refers to Windows dialogs as examples, but since these dialogs contain the same options as the
DOS dialogs, you can use them as reference whether you are running FastLink II from DOS or Windows.
At the end of this chapter, you’ll find information on running FLINK.EXE and FLINKW.EXE with command
line parameters. Command line operation of FastLink II lets you use batch files in DOS or icons in Windows to
automate connecting and disconnecting.
While this chapter describes how to connect to a Remote Annex server from the Connections dialog, before you
actually attempt a connection you should read one of the chapters that follow: either “Connecting From DOS” or
“Connecting From Windows”. Those chapters will give you more complete information on how to set up your
system in general prior to connecting.
The FastLink II User Interface runs whether or not the FastLink II ODI driver has been loaded; if it is not loaded
you won’t be able to connect to a server, though you will be able to change settings.
Running the FastLink II User Interface from DOS
To run the FastLink II User Interface from the DOS command line, type:
The FastLink II main menu appears.
Operating the FastLink II User Interface dialogs is fairly intuitive and similar to operating dialogs in Windows.
You can use either the keyboard or the mouse. If you are using the keyboard, consult the following table for the
basic operations that operate the menus and dialogs.