Remote Control of Yamaha Mic
Pro64 Virtual Data Cables can be used to send control data from a Yamaha
digital console to Yamaha remote‑controllable mic preamps such as the
AD8HR. The Yamaha devices communicate using RS‑422 at a 38.4k baud rate,
with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
Two Pro64 devices with built‑in RS‑422 capabilities are required to send
Yamaha remote control information. The 6416Y2 A‑Net Interface Card and the
6416dio Digital I/O Module both have RS‑422 capability. (Pro64 devices such
as the 6416i Input Module and 6416o Output Module cannot be used in this
application; they have only RS‑232 connectivity in their VDC I/O sections.)
By connecting the RS‑422 port on the Yamaha digital console to the RS‑422
port on the 6416Y2 A‑Net Interface Card, any changes to gain, +48V phantom
power, and high pass filter (HPF) made from the Yamaha control surface will
be transmitted to the remote mic preamps via the VDC. Multiple Yamaha mic
preamps can be controlled using this method by daisy chaining the RS‑422
connections; each preamp is assigned a unique ID and can be addressed
separately from within the Yamaha user interface. Note that daisy chaining
multiple RS‑422 connections requires a specially wired cable, as specified in
the Yamaha documentation.
To send remote control data from a Yamaha digital console to a Yamaha
digital mic preamp requires a short straight‑through DB9 cable (also referred
to as a serial cable) to connect the console to the 6416Y2 card. In a straight‑
through cable, pin 1 is connected to pin 1 on each end of the cable, pin 2 goes
to pin 2, etc. A second DB9 cable is used to connect the second Pro64 device’s
RS‑422 VDC port to the Yamaha mic preamps being remote controlled.
Do not use a crossover cable or null modem cable for this