Yamaha host device and shared throughout the Pro64 network. That clock
reference can be the Yamaha host’s internal clock or an external clock to
which the Yamaha host device is synced. Changes to the host device’s sample
rate will affect available A‑Net Slots.
Multiple 6416Y2 cards can be used in a Yamaha host device, but only
be set to be Control Master, which automatically makes this card the Clock
Other Clock Sources
External clock sources for the Pro64 network can include:
The internal clock from the Yamaha device
Word Clock received via the external Word Clock inputs on
a Yamaha device
• Word Clock connected to the dedicated BNC Word Clock
jack on a Pro64 digital I/O device, such as the 6416dio
Digital I/O Module
• The AES3 (AES/EBU) clock signal embedded in an AES3
digital signal connected to a Pro64 digital I/O module such
as the 6416dio
Clock Errors
If a clock error occurs, the Clock Master LED will blink indicating that an error
has occurred. Common causes for a clock error include:
Attempting to change the sample rate on a device other
than the Clock Master
Attempting to change the clock source when the network
is password protected
Removing or changing external clock sources on a digital
I/O module
Incorrect configuration of an external clock source on a
digital I/O module
Attempting to use a sample rate higher than 96kHz with
the 6416Y2 card
Network Sample Rate
When an analog device is the Control Master, the Control Master device is
automatically designated as the network Clock Master. It will remain the
Clock Master until a different analog module is made the Control Master or
until a digital module such as the 6416Y2 card is added to the network and is
assigned to be the Control Master and Clock Master.