Clock (CLK) LED
The Clock (CLK) LED will light yellow when the 6416Y2 card is set to be the
Pro64 network’s Control Master, which automatically sets the card to be the
network Clock Master. When the 6416Y2 card functions as the network Clock
Master, its clock is derived from the Yamaha host device.
Only one Clock Master is possible in a Pro64 network. The Clock LED will
remain unlit when the 6416Y2 card is a slave device to another clock source
(either the Pro64 network internal clock or from an external Word Clock
reference connected to a Pro64 digital I/O module such as the 6416dio).
Error (ERR) LED
The Error LED will light red to indicate errors in enumeration, configuration,
or clocking.
Whenever a valid A‑Net connection is detected, the blue A‑Net LED will light
solid. The A‑Net LED will flash during the network enumeration process as
Pro64 devices are added to the network, or during a firmware update. If no
valid Pro64 A‑Net signal is detected, the A‑Net LED remains off.