Remember that the 6416Y2 card functions as both an input and an output
module. Set different Pro64 network transmit/receive (Tx/Rx) Slot ranges to
avoid channel/Slot allocation conflicts. This is especially important in multi‑
card systems.
Activate Channels/Slots
Once the Transmit base Slot range has been selected, use DIP switch blocks
SW1 and SW2 to activate up to 16 individual Slots in that range, which sends
audio from the Yamaha console (or DME) into the Pro64 network. No audio
will flow from the Yamaha device into the Pro64 network unless the Slots are
activated with these switches.
Move a DIP switch to the up (on) position to activate it, sending audio into
the Pro64 network. Remember that in Auto Mode there can be only one
channel assigned to each network Slot.
Individual channel/Slot activation allows the most flexibility; activate only
the channels/Slots you need on each 6416Y2 card, leaving network Slot
bandwidth available for other Pro64 devices in your network. A Pro64
network is capable of having a virtually unlimited number of devices in it.
While the number of devices is unlimited, the bandwidth of the network
itself is not.
Digital splits and copies of data within the Pro64 network are not subject to
the 64 Slot maximum (at 44.1/48kHz); an unlimited number of copies of the
same data can be used in both analog and digital formats as needed.
In most cases, you’ll want the 6416Y2 card to run in Yamaha’s MY16 Mode,
which provides 16 channels in and out of the MY expansion slot at 48kHz.
(This is set on switch block SW8 using DIP switch #10.)
6416Y2 C