TrojanTwo-Compact User Guide v3.8
Page | 57
Settings tab:
Default print queue state:
(Default) Print jobs are queued progressively as they sent and processed in FIFO (first
in first out) system. The queue can be managed from Print queue menu (see section 11.3.5).
The print queue is paused when machine starts.
Default batch mode:
Batch mode
means that the T2-C press is waiting for a certain period of time and batches
the print jobs sent during the batch mode timeout. Batched print jobs are merged into 1 print
job and printed out at once. Batched print jobs show up as 1 print job in statistics.
(default) Batch mode is switched off by default.
Batch mode is on.
Default batch mode timeout (seconds):
If batch mode is on, the press is waiting for the print jobs to be sent until the timeout interval
expires. All print jobs sent during this timeout period will be merged into 1 print job and printed
out at once when timeout expires.
Instant print (before job sending finished):
This function
only works
when printing from the optional
Trojan Print Processor (TPP
software and not from the regular T2-C driver.
When disabled
the T2-C press buffers the whole print job which is being sent to the press via
the driver before actually starting to print.
When enabled
the T2-C press starts printing right after buffering X seconds of print stream
(buffering time is set at next menu point).