TrojanTwo-Compact User Guide v3.8
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Loading the label material
There are two common methods of threading the machine, threading from scratch, i.e. there is no material
present in the machine or using the currently installed material to thread the machine.
Unwinder and rewinder roll direction
Rolling direction unwinder - Ink jet coating on the inside or outside
Regardless of the threading procedure, you must insert the label roll on the unwinder core according to the
ink jet coated side (coated side must be up for printing).
If the ink jet coating is on the outside of the material, which is the most common, place the roll
so the end of the material is facing clock wise.
Ensure Media Settings -> ‘Unwinder or Rewinder label position’ states: Outside
If the ink jet coating is on the inside of the material, then place the roll so the end of the material
is facing counter clock wise.
Ensure Media Settings -> ‘Unwinder or Rewinder label position’ states: Inside
Printing on outside of label roll.
Printing on inside of label roll.