TrojanTwo-Compact User Guide v3.8
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Store only:
Sending and storing the selected print job into the T2-C press’ job
library without actually printing. The stored job can be printed out later from the
Job Library menu at the T2-C touch screen.
Mask Optimisation:
Mask Optimization is a facility that switches between two
different methods of image processing, affecting how an image is processed and
printed. By default, Mask Optimization is selected to make sure that it optimizes
the image processing for the majority of the printing applications used by the end
users. However, for some users (particularly those using FlexMail), printing
artefacts appear in the output. If this happens, the user should deselect ‘Mask
Optimisation’ to correct this issue.
Integrating additional color profiles
Color profiling is done on demand by Trojanlabel
Color profile installer packages are available at official Trojanlabel distributors or from
Trojanlabel extranet (login can be requested at
Installing additional color profiles:
Download and install executable package.
Installed color profiles are available in media type list after installation.