TrojanTwo-Compact User Guide v3.8
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Ink Transfer failure.
When a crossed out arrow appears in status bar. This means that pump cannot bring the ink up
from the ink tank to the reservoir tank. Can be pump motor failure, like encoder wheel on motor is
filthy or pump stuck, electrical failure, wrong settings for factory parameters etc. Contact
Trojanlabel support when this happens.
When pump is transferring ink from the ink tanks to the reservoirs, then ink movement is
simulated on the screen between large ink tank and smaller reservoir tank status bar.
Running out of disc space.
When new print job is sent to the machine but free disc space on hard drive reaches the 1 GB limit.
For example the amount of print jobs stored in the job library occupies most of the disc space. Then
the actual print job is paused and a warning sign appears on the upper right corner on the screen
until enough disc space is freed up. Extra disc space can be gained by deleting some print jobs from
the job library. When disc space is enough to continue the actual print job, then warning sign
disappears and print job continues.
Warning sign to indicate low free space level on built in hard drive
Pump failure
Transfering ink to reservoir tank