TrojanTwo-Compact User Guide v3.8
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Connect the black QA chip reader cables.
One QA chip reader cable for each ink tank. It does not matter which QA chip reader cable is
connected to which ink tank, however the length of these cables are made to best fit to the closest
ink tank.
Connect the matching ink tube connector to each ink tank. The particular ink tube connector’s color
is matching to the corresponding ink tank. Once the connector is pushed onto the matching slot on
the ink tank, the connector clicks onto the right position.
Do not mix up the colors! Each ink tube connector has to be connected to the matching
colored ink tank. Mixing up the ink tube connectors (like if yellow connector is connected to black
ink tank) will contaminate the inks in the system and leads to significant financial damage due to the
contaminated ink is wasted.
Put the white plastic protector cap on top of the ink tanks.
When 2 liter ink tank is connected, the proper ink level is displayed in percentages at status bar on the
touch screen:
During operation, the ink used for printing is coming from the built in reservoir ink tanks. The reservoir
tanks have ink level sensors and refilling of these reservoir ink tanks is done from the 2 liter ink tanks
directly. This refilling process is performed automatically by the system when ink level drops under a
certain limit for the particular reservoir ink tank.
During the first time installation when the ink system is empty, after installing the 2L ink tanks, the
system automatically starts filling up the reservoir ink tanks (located inside the machine) with ink. This is
done one by one in CMYK order and the process is displayed on the screen where the movement of the ink
is indicated between 2L ink tank and reservoir ink tank. The reservoir ink tanks have the capacity of 200ml
and all 4 reservoir ink tanks are around half full when process is finished. The amount of ink used to fill the
reservoir ink tanks and tubes for the first time is not registered back to the QA chip of the 2L ink tanks (ink
consumption is measured based on the ink that is going through the printhead nozzles), therefore for the
first set of ink it is likely that the 2L ink tanks will run out of ink physically when still around 5% ink level is
displayed on the screen. This is normal and this around 5% ink is not wasted but used to fill the ink system.
From the second ink set, the ink level % calculation is going back to normal and ink tanks are running out of
ink according to the ink level % displayed on the screen.
T2-C 2L ink tanks are not refillable and shall be treated as hazardous waste when empty.
Reservoir ink tank levels
2 Liter ink tank levels