The Arpeggiator Section
A well-designed arpeggiator can make someone who’s new to music sound like a pro. Add a bit
of music theory and some sound design chops to the mix and the results can be amazing. The
presets make an ironclad case for that.
An overview of the Hydrasynth Deluxe arpeggiator features was provided in the
section of the Quick Start Guide. Information about using the arpeggiator in
Multi mode is found in
Multi mode & the Arpeggiator (p. 33)
. The main focus of this chapter is
to describe the arpeggiator parameters and how to use them.
Arp Edit Mode
To enter Arp Edit mode, hold the [SHIFT] button and press [ON] in the Arpeggiator section of
the top panel. The Right display will reveal the first eight parameters of Arp Edit mode. Use the
Page Down arrow to access the second page of parameters.
Arp parameters: page 1
Use Control knob 1 to adjust the tempo, or
press [TAP TEMPO] three or more times to
set the tempo manually. Hold [SHIFT] while
turning Control knob 1 to fine-tune the
If Clock Sync is set to an external source the
letters EXT will be shown prior to the tempo.
This setting is found on
Control knob 2 selects the basic time division
of the arpeggiator relative to the tempo. There
are 12 settings here, 4 more than the top
panel controls can reach. The Triplet options
are there too, and the Triplet LED will light as
they are selected. You can also press [TRIPLET]
to select that setting immediately.
The top panel Swing knob offers eight
settings, including Off. But there are actually
26 settings between 50% and 75%. Use
Control knob 3 to select a value, or use the
Swing knob first and then Control knob 3 to
select a nearby value.
Turn Control knob 4 to adjust the relative
duration of the arpeggiator notes. The full
range of the parameter is available here and
on the top panel: 5% to 100%.
Octave mode
This parameter is not present on the top
panel. It works together with the Octave
setting, which must be >1 or you may not
hear a difference. Use Control knob 5 to select
the options. The descriptions are based on an
Octave setting of 2 except as noted:
• Up plays the notes in the original octave
and then repeats the pattern an octave
• Dn (down) plays the notes in the original
octave and then repeats the pattern an
octave lower.
• UpDn (Octave = 3) plays the notes in the
original octave, repeats them in the next
2 octaves, repeats them in the middle
octave, and starts over.
• Alt plays the notes in the original octave,
repeats them in the next octave, and then
reverses the entire pattern. The top and
bottom notes are repeated.
• Alt 2 is identical to Alt except the top and
bottom notes are
Use Control knob 6 to set the range of the
arpeggiator. Minimum range is 1 octave;
maximum range is 4 octaves.