PhazDiff generates the difference of the incoming wave and a version that is inverted and
Parameter Range
0-128 in increments of 0.1
Controls the phase of the output waveform
Feeds the phase-shifted output back into itself
Mix raw and phase-shifted waveforms; 100% = pure
Here’s how to explore this Mutant. But be careful with high Feedback values in step 5! The
results can be very loud.
1. Initialize a Single mode patch by pressing [INIT] twice.
2. Press [MUTANT 1] to access that Mutant module.
3. Use Control knob 1 to select the PhazDiff mode.
4. Use Control knob 8 to set the Dry/Wet control to 50%. This provides an equal blend of the
raw wave and its mutation.
5. Experiment with different values of Depth and Feedback to hear what they do.
6. Try step 5 with other waveforms, and try different Dry/Wet values.
This is especially fun to watch in the display as the waveform peaks are shifted and inverted.
The changes are easier to see with simpler waveforms such as Horizon5 or Spect A1, but the
results are always audible. Modulating the Depth via the Mod Matrix is a great way to introduce
subtle shifts in the sonic landscape, too.
Ring-Noise Module
This module contains two additional sound
sources that can be blended with the
oscillators to make sounds that are even more
Ring Modulation (Ring Mod or RM) takes two
audio signals and generates a sound based on
the sum and the difference of their frequency
content. Depending on the sources the result
can be bell-like and pure, or it can be wiry,
robotic, trashy, and/or pleasingly unnatural.
A noise generator produces random, simulta-
neous frequencies across a broad range. The
different colors represent specific frequency
ranges and power levels.
Parameter Pertains to... Range
Source 1
Osc 1-3, Noise, Mutant
1-4, Mod In 1, Mod In 2
Select the first input source
Source 2
Same as Source 1
Select the second input source
RM Depth
0-128 in increments of 0.1 Depth of Ring Modulation
Ring Vol
0-128 in increments of 0.1 RM volume. Parameter is shared with
Mixer page 1, edit field 5; changing
one also changes the other.
Noise Type Noise
White, Pink, Brown, Red,
Blue, Violet, Grey
Select the noise type
Noise Vol
0-128 in increments of 0.1 Noise volume. Parameter is shared
with Mixer page 1, edit field 6;
changing one also changes the other.