Envelope parameters: page 2
Control knob Parameter Range
Exp (-64) > Lin (0) >
Log (64)
Defines the curve for the attack segment.
Log (-64) > Lin (0) >
Exp (64)
Defines the curve for the decay segment.
Log (-64) > Lin (0) >
Exp (64)
Defines the curve for the release segment.
Off, On
When On, an envelope won’t reset unless all
notes have been released.
Off, On
When On, an envelope is reset when
polyphony is exceeded. If Legato = On,
Reset is not available.
Off, On
When On, an envelope will always run from
Delay to the Sustain stage (note held) or
from Delay through the Release stage (note
Env Loop
Off, 2-50, Infinite
Toggles the looping feature and defines the
number of times the envelope will loop.
Envelope curves
Adjacent logarithmic curves look like a mound:
The attack segment rises quickly and its rate of
change slows as it nears the peak; the decay
and release segments start falling slowly and
accelerate until they reach the resting state.
Exponential curves are the opposite of
logarithmic curves: The attack segment
starts rising slowly and accelerates upward;
the decay and release segments start falling
quickly and decelerate until they reach the
resting state.
A linear curve rises and falls at the same rate
throughout its duration. However, linear
changes seem less natural or “musical” to the
human ear than the other curves.
When sheet music uses the term “Legato”
it means to play a passage smoothly, with
no rests between the notes. Likewise, when
this parameter is set to On, the envelope
will not retrigger if previous voice has not
been released. This allows a filter envelope to
remain at its sustain stage when a series of
notes are played, for example, which can help
a solo or a bass line to be more expressive.
The Reset parameter is only available when
Legato is Off. When Reset is On an envelope
will reset when a new note is played, even if
the previous note has not been released.
The difference between Reset On and Off is
easy to hear with a monophonic patch. But
with a polyphonic patch the behavior is more
obvious after the available polyphony has
been exceeded. You’ll need a sustain pedal for
the following example.
1. Set speaker/headphone levels low; this
could be loud.
2. Press [MULTI] to enter Multi mode
3. Press [INIT] twice to initialize the Multi
4. Turn the Balance knob to -64.0 (hard left).
We’ll hear the Lower part play voices 1-8
for this example.
5. Access [FILTER 1] and set Type to HP MS20
6. Set Cutoff to 50, Resonance to 100, and
ENV1 amount to 64
7. Access [ENV 1]: set Attack and Decay to ~1
second, and set Sustain to ~64.
8. Hold down the sustain pedal