Direct Assignment
Mod routes can be established between a
source and a specific parameter using this
method. After you access the page with
the parameter to be modulated, hold the
modulation source button and press the
Control button next to the parameter in the
Right display. This creates a link between the
source and destination in the fewest possible
number of steps.
For example, here’s how to route ENV 5 to the
LFO 1 Amount of Filter 1:
• Press [FILTER 1] to access that module.
• Press and hold [ENV 5] to select it as the
mod source.
• Press Control button 6 to select LFO1amt
as the destination.
• The mod route ENV 5 to Filter 1’s LFO 1
Amount is created.
• Use the Control knob on the bottom row
to set the modulation amount, and you’re
Notes About Mod Routes
Here are some concepts to keep in mind while
working with Mod Routes:
• Some modules cannot be modulation
sources, such as the Oscillators or the
• Some modules can be used as sources and
destinations, such as the Envelopes and
the LFOs. In this case, the order in which
you press them determines the source and
the destination.
• Only the first two parameters and the
Wet/Dry mix of the Pre-/Post-FX can be
• Some modules only have one parameter
that can be modulated, such as the
Ring-Noise module; in this case, there is
nothing else for the upper Control knob to
select when that field is highlighted.
• The Ribbon offers three different sources
via the Mod Matrix. If you want to use a
different one move the cursor to Source
field and select it. For a description of each
source see
If all 32 modulation routes are occupied and you try to add another, the Left display will
show a message for two seconds that says “Mod Matrix Slots Full!”
More Shortcuts
Copy Mod X to Mod Y
You can copy one Mod matrix slot to another
and make one or more derivative routes. But it
won’t work if a mod route field is highlighted;
press [EXIT] first.
1. Hold the Control button of the source
2. Warning! The next step will replace
what’s there, so choose an empty slot.
3. Press the Control button of the
destination route.
4. Modify the destination module,
parameter, and depth as needed.
Clear a Mod Slot
To clear a single Mod matrix slot, hold [INIT]
and press its top Control button.
Clear the Entire Mod Matrix
If you want to start over with all new mod
routes, hold [INIT] and press the [MOD
MATRIX] button. A prompt will ask you to
confirm the decision, because it’s a big one. If
you’re sure, press [INIT] again.