The LFOs
What’s an LFO?
LFO is an abbreviation for Low Frequency Oscillator. LFOs are the cause of familiar effects like
vibrato and tremolo, but they can be used in very complex ways (as the presets will attest).
Hydrasynth Deluxe has 5 LFOs that can modulate any available parameter through the Mod
Matrix. All 5 have identical parameters, so every description applies equally to all.
LFO features
Hydrasynth Deluxe LFOs might be more
flexible than any you have encountered. Here
are some highlights:
• Delayed onset through the Delay and
Fade-in parameters
• Adjustable phase: start the modulation
from any point in the LFO waveform
• Synchronized or unsynchronized modes
• A wide range of rates, from super slow to
• Independent LFO per voice
• LFOs can modulate themselves, each other,
and/or anything else
• An LFO can be triggered a single time or
loop indefinitely
• Design your own LFO, arpeggio, or mini-
sequence with the Step LFO features
The Vibrato feature is a sixth LFO dedicated to the mod wheel. It is not available as a
source or destination in the Mod Matrix. For details, see the
the Voice module chapter.
LFOs 1 and 2
Hydrasynth Deluxe has pre-wired connections linking LFO 1 to the Filters and LFO 2 to the Amp
module. More LFOs can be routed to these destinations as needed through the
LFO parameters: page 1
Control knob Parameter Range
Sine, Triangle, Saw Up, Saw Down,
Square, Pulse27%, Pulse13%, S&H,
Noise, Random, Step
Selects LFO waveform. “Step”
is user-defined
BPM = Off: 0.02 to 150.0 Hz
BPM = On: 64’ to 1/64T
Sets duration of LFO cycle
BPM Sync
Off, On
Toggles LFO rate from Hz to
synchronized time divisions
Poly, Single, Off
Poly: independent LFO per
Single: LFO affects all voices;
each new note retriggers
Off: LFO runs freely