This locks the arpeggiator phase to the system
clock so it will sync to other clocked elements
such as an LFO with BPM Sync set to On.
Here’s something else you might notice: With
ClkLock set to Off and the Hydrasynth Deluxe
as the master clock source, the arpeggio starts
when the first note is played. With ClkLock
set to On, the arpeggio starts at the next
quantized value
the first note is played. In
this case you might experience a slight delay
between triggering a note and the onset of
the arpeggio.
Additional Arp Features
Latch and Sustain
Press [LATCH] to activate Latch mode. This
enables you to take your fingers off the
keyboard and use both hands to adjust
parameters. It works whether an arpeggio is
running or not.
Use [SHIFT] + [LATCH] to activate Sustain
mode. This also works whether an arpeggio is
running or not. It’s the same response as using
a sustain pedal.
Between these two parameters there are four
potential combinations, as shown in the chart.
The status of the [LATCH] button LED provides
a visual clue as to which settings are active.
Latch Sustain [LATCH] LED status
Button lit constantly
Flashing cycle: 0.8s lit, 0.2s
Flashing cycle: 0.5s lit, 0.5s
Button dimly lit
Initialize the Arp
Hold [INIT] and press the [ON] button
to initialize the Arpeggiator module. All
parameters will return to their defaults.
The Arpeggiator & MIDI
whether the arpeggiator will transmit notes
or respond to incoming notes via MIDI / USB.
These two states are mutually exclusive. The
following table illustrates the basic capabilities
of the Arp TX settings.
Arp TX setting
On Off
MIDI/USB outputs will transmit
the arpeggiator notes
Yes No
Latch button will latch outgoing
MIDI notes [1]
Yes No
Incoming MIDI/USB notes will
trigger and outline an arpeggio
No Yes
Incoming MIDI/USB notes can be
latched by the Latch button [1]
No Yes
Arpeggiator can be triggered
and/or latched locally
Yes Yes
[SHIFT] + [LATCH], Sustain pedal
will sustain incoming/outgoing
MIDI/USB notes
Yes Yes
[1] [LATCH] has the same effect on notes
whether the arpeggiator is running or not.
For a comprehensive chart, see