There are several voltage standards that companies use, so the Hydrasynth Deluxe allows you
to set the voltage ranges to match the source device. Those are defined on System Setup pages
8–10. More later about that.
Output Connectors
The output connectors (Pitch, Gate, Mod 1, Mod 2, and Clock) convert data from the Hydrasynth
Deluxe into voltages, which can then be used to trigger notes and control parameters on an
external device. Note that the same voltages are sent in Single mode and Multi mode.
Each of the five output connectors has a different purpose.
A control voltage from this connector is
intended to control the pitch on an external
device. The output voltage is derived from the
MIDI note number that corresponds to the
key being played. This output is monophonic,
so for the best results use one of the Mono
or Unison options. A description of each of
those modes and their note priority variations
is available in the
The voltage ranges for this output are defined
CV – Pitch Gate: Page 8 (p. 102)
When a key is played, two Gate signals are
generated: Gate high (note played) and Gate
low (note released). The same signals are sent
by the Tap Tempo button for each held note
when the Tap Trig parameter is active on Arp
Edit page 2.
Gate signals are normally transmitted to
the same device that receives the control
voltages generated by the Pitch output, and
will conform to the note priority settings. Two
types of gate signals are available (V-trig or
S-trig); please refer to the documentation for
the external device so you’ll know which type
to use.
The settings for this output are defined on
Mod 1 and 2
These are also control voltage outputs. They
can be used to modulate almost anything on
a modular synth, but a common scenario is
to route Mod 1 to a VCA (Voltage Controlled
Amplifier) and Mod 2 to a VCF (Voltage
Controlled Filter). The combined use of these
two outputs and the Pitch/Gate outputs
enable the Hydrasynth Deluxe to control the
entire signal path of an external monophonic
device from start to finish.
The settings for these outputs are defined on
As stated earlier, four different sync rates are
available for this connector. This selection and
those for three related parameters are found
and explained on
Input Connectors
Mod 1 and 2 are equally capable: they can be used as modulation sources to control any
parameter that is a Mod Matrix destination. They can be set to independent voltage ranges,
though, which expands their capabilities even further.
The settings for these inputs are defined on