Mode Select Controls
The Single/Multi buttons select those modes.
In Single mode the Multi controls are inactive.
In Multi mode the Upper/Lower buttons and
the Balance knob are active. The modes are
Part Select buttons
The Part Select buttons are used in Multi
mode to specify whether the Upper or Lower
part is active on the top panel. Their letters
default to yellow and blue, respectively, and
the color of the top panel changes when they
are pressed. We’ll learn more about these
buttons in
Control knobs
Above and below the Right display are two
sets of four knobs. They are “endless encoders”:
parameters are edited from their current
value, rather than jumping to another value
that was based on the position of the knob.
The Control knobs play different roles
depending on the page that has been
• On the Home page they become Macro
• On a parameter page they are used to
adjust parameter values.
• In Multi mode the Control knobs will
edit parameters for the Upper part, the
Lower part, or Both, depending on the top
panel status. The top panel color scheme
indicates which parameters are active.
Control buttons
Each Control knob is paired with a Control
button. Their function also depends on the
page that has been accessed.
• On the Home page they can affect a Macro
in one of four ways (Toggle, Trigger, Switch,
or Reset). This choice is made on System
• On a parameter page they are used to:
• select a parameter value for editing
• toggle a value (Oscillator Solo on/off,
for example), or
• enter a lower-level editing page (i.e.,
Wavelist Edit for a WaveScan oscillator).
Module Select buttons
These buttons access the parameter pages of
the selected Module (Osc 1, Delay, LFO 5, etc.)
The signal path generally moves from left to
right, but vertical lines between two buttons
• a pre-wired connection (Env 1 / LFO 1 to
Filters, Env 2 / LFO 2 to Amp), or
• the ability to be routed in Series or Parallel,
as with the Filters, or
• order of operations, such as the output of
the Delay is fed to the input of the Reverb.
The Module Select buttons can be used as a
quick way to set up a Mod Matrix route, too
(hold one, press another). For information
about that, see
Knob types
Variable knobs
Two types of variable knobs are used:
• 270° encoders: The range has an upper and
lower limit. Examples: Master Volume, Filter
• Endless encoders: These have no range
limits, so an edit always starts from the
current value.
Selection knobs
These are only found on the bottom row of the
Arpeggiator section. A “selection knob” clicks
between positions to select a value. Of these
four, only the Swing parameter can be set to
The displays
At the center of it all are two high-resolution
OLED displays, also known as the Left display
and the Right display. They serve different
• The Left display is for Patch selection and
helpful graphics.
• The Right display is for parameter selection
and adjustment.