The Mod Matrix
Modular synthesizers use cables to make connections. Hydrasynth Deluxe has a neater solution:
an easy-to-use internal patch bay with 32 sets of modulation sources and destinations.
Creating Mod Routes
There are three ways to create a new mod route in the Mod Matrix. The first is to access the Mod
Matrix page directly.
Additional notes are entered below some steps in italics.
The Whole Process
1. Press [MOD MATRIX] to access the Mod
Matrix page.
2. Press one of the Control buttons for the
desired slot (top or bottom) to enter
assign mode.
The colored buttons that are most brightly
lit are the available source modules.
3. Scroll the top Control knob to select a
Shortcut 1: Hold [SHIFT] while turning the
Control knob to jump through modules by
Shortcut 2: Press the desired module
button to select it.
4. Press the bottom Control button to
access the destination field.
The orange-lettered buttons are now lit;
these are the available modules.
5. Scroll the top Control knob to select
the destination module. Its default
parameters appear in rows 2-4.
Shortcut 1: Hold [SHIFT] while turning the
Control knob to jump through modules by
Shortcut 2: Press the desired module
button to select it.
Shortcut 3: Turn one of the top-panel
knobs to select that parameter.
6. Press the bottom Control button to
access the next row.
7. Scroll the top Control knob to change
the destination parameter...
...unless you used Shortcut 3 in step 5
8. Press the bottom Control button to exit
assign mode.
9. The bottom Control knob can change
the modulation depth at any time during
steps 3-8.
The Shortcut
Mod routes can be established quickly from
almost any page:
1. Press and hold the module button for
2. Press the module button for the
Modulation Destinations (p. 88)
The Mod Matrix opens at the first available
slot with the first parameter of the
destination module highlighted.
3. To select a different target parameter
from that module, use the bottom
Control button to enter the next field.
Shortcut: If the parameter has a top-panel
knob, turn it to select that destination.
4. Use the upper Control knob to select the
desired parameter.
5. Use the Control knob on the bottom row
to set the modulation amount.
The modulation amount can be positive or
The shortcut method works inside and outside of the Mod Matrix page. The difference:
Inside the Mod Matrix the available destination module buttons light up when the
source module button is held. Outside the Mod Matrix they don’t.