Publication 1766-RM001A-EN-P - October 2008
Program Control Instructions
Use these instructions to change the order in which the processor scans a
ladder program. Typically these instructions are used to minimize scan
time, create a more efficient program, and troubleshoot a ladder program.
JMP - Jump to Label
Instruction Type: output
The JMP instruction causes the controller to change the order of ladder
execution. Jumps cause program execution to go to the rung marked LBL
label number
. Jumps can be forward or backward in ladder logic within
the same program file. Multiple JMP instructions may cause execution to
proceed to the same label.
The immediate data range for the label is from 0…999. The label is local
to a program file.
Used To:
JMP - Jump to Label
Jump forward/backward to a corresponding
label instruction
LBL - Label
JSR - Jump to Subroutine
Jump to a designated subroutine and return
SBR - Subroutine Label
RET - Return from Subroutine
SUS - Suspend
Debug or diagnose your user program
TND - Temporary End
Abort current ladder scan
END - Program End
End a program or subroutine
MCR - Master Control Reset
Enable or inhibit a master control zone in
your ladder program
Execution Time for the JMP Instruction
When Rung Is:
MicroLogix 1400
0.3290 µs
0.2320 µs
efesotomasyon.com - Allen Bradley,Rockwell,plc,servo,drive