Chapter 4
Narrow Band TAA Frequency Menu
1. Click on [Configuration] > [Setup] > [Narrow Band TAA Freq.] to open the Narrow
Band Setting menu.
Figure 4-5
Narrow Band TAA Measurement Setting Menu
Center Frequency
Specifies the center frequency of the spectrum
analyzer when Narrow Band TAA is
measured. This can only be used if the
Frequency Mode is set to ‘manual’.
Frequency Mode
Specifies the type of measurement frequency.
Two frequency modes can be selected,
namely; auto and manual modes.If “Auto
Mode” is selected, the measurement frequency
is set automatically with relative to the
channel bit rate and data pattern. If “Manual
Mode” is selected, the frequency set by the
‘Center Frequency’ is used.
Specifies the resolution band width when
spectrum analyzer is used for Narrow Band
TAA measurement. Decreasing the RBW will
widen the dynamic range.
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