Chapter 3
VEE Measurement Program Operation
Specifies the distance in time between write
and read operation. This parameter represents
the delay time when to read the data after
write. This parameter is expressed in terms of
Read Time
Specifies the amount of time to read the data.
This parameter is expressed in [
Write Mode
Specifies the write current direction when
writing data. When ‘Fixed’ is selected the
write current direction at the start of each
write operation is the always the same. When
‘Continuous’ is selected the write current
direction at the beginning of write operation is
the same as the last current direction of the
previous write. Refer to the programming
” on page 659 for more details.
Figure 3-106
Write Mode
When [Write Mode] is set to “fixed”, the write current direction at the beginning of
each write operation is always the same. On the other hand, when [Write Mode] is set
to “continuous” the write current direction is the same as the last current direction of
the previous write operation. Each time the write current alternates it allows you to
check the polarity of the output pulse at the end of the previous write. You must set the
repetitive period of the data pattern T to 1T, 2T, 4T and 8T due to the system’s internal
constraints. If you use other repetitive periods of the data pattern, E5022/E5023 system
can not guarantee the change of write current polarity. This function makes it possible
for popcorn noise measurement (i.e. failcount) to achieve an acceptable level of TAA
under similar usage of the drive. Before this function was introduced, the write current
direction always starts at a constant direction, thus you can only observe one side of the
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