No. Name
Time Bar
Displays the record type and time period in the current search criteria.
In 4-window playback mode, there are corresponding four time bars. In
other playback modes, there is only one time bar.
Use the mouse to click one point of the color zone in the time bar, and the
system begins playback.
Green shading indicates a regular record file; yellow shading indicates a
motion detection record file.
10 Time Bar Unit Use this feature to set the range of the time bar for playback. The options are:
24H, 12H, 1H and 30M. The smaller the unit, the larger the zoom.
The time bar begins at 0 hour when setting the configuration, and then zooms
in on the current period during playback.
11 Backup
Select the file(s) you want to backup from the file list.
Click the
button. The backup menu appears.
Browse to or create a new destination folder.
Click the
button to begin the backup operation. The record file(s) are
saved to the specified folder.
The system can display a maximum of 32 files from one channel.
Only backup operation can be run at one time.
12 Clip
Use this button to edit the file currently playing. You can clip for one channel or
Click the
Adjust the slide bars in the time bar for the corresponding channel to
set the file end time, or else manually input the time.
Click the
button again to edit the second period.
Click the
button to save the current contents in a new file.
Note: The system supports a maximum of1024 backup files at the same time.
You cannot operate clip operation if any file has been checked in the file list.
13 Recording
In any play mode, the time bar will change once you modify the search type.
Synch. Check the checkbox to enable synchronized playback, whereby
changing the search time period for one channel switches the playback for the
other channels being displayed to the same point in time.
Other Functions
Channel Synchronization
By checking the
checkbox, playback on all displayed channels are synchronized to the same
time period. If unchecked, playback times for each channel are independent of each other.
Digital Zoom
When the system is in full-screen playback mode, left mouse-click on the screen. Drag your mouse to
select a section, and then left-click to zoom in. Right mouse-click to exit.
Manually Switch Channel during Playback
During the file playback process, you can switch to other channels via the dropdown list or by rolling
the mouse. This function is not valid if there is no recording file or Smart Search is in progress.
Some NVR versions do not support all functions (playback speed, channel, time, progress, etc.).
NVR4200 Series User Guide