Chapter 2
Design the Relative Standard Curve Experiment
Chapter Overview
Applied Biosystems 7500/7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System Getting Started Guide for Relative Standard Curve
and Comparative C
Chapter Overview
This chapter explains how to use the Design Wizard in the 7500 software to set up the
relative standard curve example experiment. The Design Wizard guides you through
Applied Biosystems recommended best practices as you enter design parameters for the
example experiment.
When you design your own experiments, you can select alternate workflows (see
“Using This Guide with Your Own Experiments” on page 13).
Design the Experiment (Chapter 2)
1. Create a new experiment.
2. Define the experiment properties.
3. Define the methods and materials.
4. Set up the targets.
5. Set up the standards.
6. Set up the samples.
7. Set up the relative quantitation.
8. Set up the run method.
9. Review the reaction setup.
10. Order materials for the experiment.
11. Finish the Design Wizard.
Start Relative Standard Curve Experiment
Analyze the Experiment (Chapter 5)
Prepare the Reactions (Chapter 3)
Run the Experiment (Chapter 4)
End Experiment