ABEM Terrameter SAS 1000 / SAS 4000
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The leftmost “Manage Protocols” brings up the dialog box:
Among the available protocols (left) you can select which protocols to make active. Press OK
to finish. In the above example only two protocols are selected. To compile these protocols
into a binary file PROTOCOL.BIN, press the rightmost tool. This activates the Multi-
electrode Protocol File Compiler (MPFC), used to compile address- and protocol-files into a
binary database to be transferred to TERRAMETER SAS 1000 / 4000. Besides the fact that it
is easier to handle a single database file in serial transfers it makes it possible to check that the
protocol files are correct and consistent.
The program reads all address files (*.ADR) and protocol files (*.ORG, *.UP, and *.DWN) in
the current directory and creates a file called PROTOCOL.BIN. When the compile is ready
the resulting file PROTOCOL.BIN.
The resulting file PROTOCOL.BIN can then be uploaded into the Terrameter as described on
page 54.
Error Codes in MPFC program
There are a number of error codes associated with the MPFC.EXE program, as listed in
“Appendix C. MPFC Error Codes”. Errors are fatal and hence no database file will be created
while warnings are non-fatal and a database file will be created.