ABEM Terrameter SAS 1000 / SAS 4000
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Deviations from the expected values of up to 10% are acceptable, because the components
only have a limited accuracy. Usually the chargeability reading M
is in the range 8.0 to
8.5 msec.
If in future checks, minor changes in the readings occur (within, say, 1%) they can be
attributed to temperature changes etc.
If you do not have access to a Multi Channel Adapter the following test can be carried out:
Connect the test resistor between the C1 and C2 terminals of the Terrameter.
Connect C1 and P1 using a test cable with banana plugs or equivalent.
Connect C2 and P2 using a test cable with banana plugs or equivalent.
Perform a resistivity measurement using AUTO output current and note down the reading.
Note: The test resistor must be able to handle the level of current you select as maximum, or it
may be damaged.
Quick check of SAS 1000 / 4000
During field work it happens that “it just does not work”. It will be necessary to quickly sort
the problem out.
A very quick check of SAS 1000 /4000 is done in a few steps:
With the unit switched On and set for resistivity, No cables (but the power cable)
attached. Preferably the unit should be set to show ohms instead of ohmmeters.
Press the red MEASURE button
ERROR 1 should appear on the LCD, this is a sign of health.
Attach a piece of metal wire, a straightened paper clip or so under the terminal nuts
C1 and C2. The piece of metal might be replaced by a resistor with a known value
and so the test will also be a simple quality check.
Attach a piece of wire between C1 and P1, likewise between C2 and P2 Again
straightened paper clips serve well.
Press the red MEASURE button.
ERROR 1 should not appear. If a reasonable low reading, some 10 to 100 m
or a
value corresponding to the resistor used appears, there are reasons to assume the unit
under test is in shape.
The test may be repeated with other current settings, different resistors etc.