ABEM Terrameter SAS 1000 / SAS 4000
- 39 -
In the fourth submenu you decide whether or not
to ignore negative readings and errors. You can
choose to wait between protocol files. If you have
access to an external alarm connected to the
ALARM connector on the Electrode Selector, you
can define whether or not to activate it.
Resistivity: LR00004.S4K (PAGE/±)
Ignore negative resistivity: No
Ignore errors 1-5: No
Wait between protocols: Yes
Use external alarm: No
=Next/Prev Page
In the fifth submenu you can define information
about the measurements. Select a row by pressing
knob. Move between the characters and
numbers by the
Resistivity: LR00004.S4K (PAGE/±)
Comm. #1:
Comm. #2:
Comm. #3:
Comm. #4:
=Next/Prev Page
In the sixth submenu you can select a channel to
view on the screen (in this case there is only one
channel available).
Resistivity: LR00004.S4K (PAGE/±)
Number of entries: 0
Select a channel to view:
<Ch. 1>
Start at sample: 0
=Next/Prev Page
When you turn
to start the measurement, a
menu appears in which the results are displayed.
Also the actual battery voltage is displayed here.
Ch P1 P2 Resistance S.Dev Stacks.
1: .
2: N/A .
3: N/A .
4: N/A .
N=0 I=Auto Batt=12.4 V
Resistivity: Wenner-a, Section .
LR00004.S4K C1= , C2= .
When you turn
once again the Measurement
Setup menu appears. Here you can select if the
(recommended), and you can select the minimum
output current. It is NOT recommended to step
down the current level below 20 mA unless
necessary, since the signal-to-noise ratio will
inevitably suffer, with decreasing data quality as a
result! For extra long electrode layouts a higher
coordinates of the setup can be specified here also.
If you know that certain electrodes must be
excluded, select <Skip Electrodes> and deactivate
the electrodes you do not need. In the upper frame
the number of LUND units is given (1 or 2).
Setup (1 unit)
Protocol #1: WENNER_L.ORG
Electrode test: No
Min. output: 20 mA
Midpoint X: 0.0 ( 0.0 m )
Y: 0.0 ( 0.0 m )
<Skip Electrodes> <START> <CANCEL>
The Skip Electrodes Menu allows you to skip
certain electrodes.
<< Skip Electrodes Menu >>>
Protocol #1: WENNER_L.ORG .
#1 On 1-3-5-7-9-- .
#2 On 1-3-5-7-9-- .
#3 On --3-5-7-9-1 .
#4 On --3-5-7-9-1 .
Cable #1 takeout #1: Enabled .
=Close ) .