ABEM Terrameter SAS 1000 / SAS 4000
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The resulting .S4K file can be converted to an AMP file for documentation. An example
of such an .AMP file is shown below.
Filename: D:\SAS 4000\Data\lrtest02.s4k
Instrument ID: SAS 1000 2001336
Date & Time: 16/08/2000 09:57:07
Base station: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rows header/data/topography: 27 32 0
Acquisition mode: 2R
Measurement method: Section
Electrode layout: 0 Resistance RES
Co-ordinate type: Index
Smallest electrode spacing: 1.00
Marine survey (R,h,a,b): - - - -
Protocol #1: CABLETST
Protocol #2: -
Protocol #3: -
Protocol #4: -
Protocol #5: -
Protocol #6: -
Protocol #7: -
Protocol #8: -
Comment #1:
Comment #2:
Comment #3:
Comment #4:
No. Time Tx Rx Dx I(mA) Voltage(V) Res.(ohm) Error(%)
1 37 nan nan nan 1000 22.277361 22.277361 nan
2 45 nan nan nan 1000 21.702435 21.702435 nan
29 299 nan nan nan 1000 10.687839 10.687839 nan
30 308 nan nan nan 1000 10.770562 10.770562 nan
31 316 nan nan nan 1000 10.733336 10.733336 nan
32 326 nan nan nan 1000 10.993915 10.993915
The whole procedure takes typically 5-6 minutes. In the above example, some of the
conductors have resistance values around 22 Ohm, and some around 11 Ohm. This is because
of the fact that some conductors are connected in parallel, thus causing lower resistance
Special checks in the module “Test Software”
Check Cable Isolation.
Will check the cable spread for short circuit or leakage. Only one end of the cables should be
connected to the ES464 or ES10-64[C][e], and all takeouts must be isolated from the ground.
If using the two white Cable Joints, the outer two cables will only be partially tested. To
overcome this, run the test in two rounds with two cables each time. Alternatively replace the
white joints with electrically transparent (black) Cable Joints, part number 33 0019 35.
Auto Relay Test
Will set and reset every relay of the ES464. No cables should be connected. This is a lengthy
procedure, takes like 30 minutes.
Manual Relay Switching
Allows the user to set or reset any individual relay in the switch box. Useful for testing a
specific address (e.g. set an address and check for continuity with a digital multimeter) or for
taking a single reading in a cable spread.