Commissioning of the KNX Function via DCA (from ETS5)
Product manual 2CKA00xx73xxxxx
Creating room and floor pages
1. Open the "Navigation" tab in the library area.
2. Click on the arrow to the left of the device details.
3. Click on the plus icon at the right next to "Room 1" or "Floor 1".
– A new room or a new floor is added below the device details.
4. Click on the room or the floor to display it in the work area.
5. To add additional rooms and/or floors, repeat the action described above.
– The additional rooms or floors are displayed in the work area and in the tree structure.
All created rooms and floors can be displayed in the work area by clicking on the respective
room or floor in the tree structure. Then one can "swipe" in the work area as on the panel. This
is done via the arrows.
Editing operating pages
Adjust name of the page
1. Open the "Navigation" tab in the library area.
2. Select the operating page in the tree structure.
3. In the "Parameter" area, click in the name input field and enter a new name. The length of
the name is limited to 60 characters.
You can also change the name of the page in the library area.
1. In the tree structure, click on the page entry with the right mouse button.
– A pop-up menu opens.
2. Click on "Rename" and change the name.
Move page within the tree structure
1. In the tree structure, click on the page entry with the right mouse button.
– A pop-up menu opens.
2. Click on "Up" or "Down".
– The page is moved accordingly.
Operating pages can also be shifted via drag and drop to a different position in
the tree structure.
Copy the page and paste it again
1. In the tree structure, click on the page entry with the right mouse button.
– A pop-up menu opens.
2. Click on "Copy".
– The page is copied with all entries.
3. Select "Start pages" or a floor or a room.
4. Click on the entry with the right mouse button.
5. Click on "Insert" in the pop-up menu.
– The copied page is inserted.