Disturbance recorder
Similarly, if the average value is below the set threshold level for underfunction on the
channel in question, an underfunction start on that channel is indicated. The underfunc-
tion is indicated with a less than (<) sign.
The procedure is separately performed for each channel. This method of checking the
analog start conditions gives a function that is insensitive to DC offset in the signal. The
operating time for this start is typically in the range of one cycle, 20 ms in a 50 Hz net-
The numerical data, along with the result of the trigger condition evaluation, are trans-
mitted to the main CPU. The main CPU handles these functions:
Evaluation of the manual start condition
Evaluation of the binary start condition, both for true binary input signals and for
internally created logical signals
Storage of the numerical values for the analog channels
The numerical data for the analog channels are stored in a cyclic pre-fault buffer in a
RAM. When a trigger is activated, the data storage is moved to another area in the
RAM, where the data for the fault and the subsequent post-fault period are stored. Thus,
a complete disturbance recording comprises the stored data for the pre-fault, fault, and
post-fault period.
The RAM area for temporary storage of recorded data is divided into sub-areas, one for
each recording. The size of a subarea is governed by the sum of the set pre-fault (tPre)
and maximum post-trigger (tLim) time. There is a sufficient memory capacity for at
least four consecutive recordings with a maximum number of analog channels recorded
and with maximum time settings. Should no such area be free at the time of a new trig-
ger, the oldest recording stored in the RAM is overwritten.
When a recording is completed, a post recording processing occurs.
This post-recording processing comprises:
Merging the data for analog channels with corresponding data for binary signals
stored in an event buffer
Compression of the data, which is performed without losing any data accuracy
Storing the compressed data in a non-volatile memory (flash memory)
The recorded disturbance is now ready for retrieval and evaluation. The recording com-
prises the stored and time-tagged disturbance data along with relevant data from the da-
tabase for configuration and parameter set-up.
Содержание REO 517
Страница 10: ... RQWHQWV ...
Страница 16: ...6 Introduction to the application manual KDSWHU QWURGXFWLRQ ...
Страница 64: ...54 Blocking of signals during test KDSWHU RPPRQ IXQFWLRQV ...
Страница 88: ...78 Scheme communication logic ZCOM KDSWHU LQH LPSHGDQFH ...
Страница 100: ...90 Time delayed phase and residual overcurrent protection TOC1 KDSWHU XUUHQW Equation 36 Iset IsSEC I1b 100 ...
Страница 146: ...136 Unbalance protection for capacitor banks TOCC KDSWHU XUUHQW ...
Страница 166: ...156 Dead line detection DLD KDSWHU 3RZHU V VWHP VXSHUYLVLRQ ...
Страница 171: ...161 About this chapter KDSWHU RQWURO KDSWHU RQWURO ERXW WKLV FKDSWHU This chapter describes the control functions ...
Страница 293: ...283 About this chapter KDSWHU RJLF KDSWHU RJLF ERXW WKLV FKDSWHU This chapter describes the logic functions ...
Страница 378: ...368 Monitoring of DC analog measurements KDSWHU 0RQLWRULQJ ...
Страница 379: ...369 About this chapter KDSWHU 0HWHULQJ KDSWHU 0HWHULQJ ERXW WKLV FKDSWHU This chapter describes the metering functions ...
Страница 384: ...374 Pulse counter logic PC KDSWHU 0HWHULQJ ...
Страница 412: ...402 Serial communication modules SCM KDSWHU DWD FRPPXQLFDWLRQ ...
Страница 440: ...430 LED indication module KDSWHU DUGZDUH PRGXOHV ...