KNX Technical Reference Manual
ABB i-Bus
KNX Yucus
Application “Threshold value hysteresis”
With the "Threshold value / Hysteresis" application, value telegrams can be received on
an input communication object and compared with threshold values specified in the
control element.
Predefined values are sent out on the communication "Output" communication object if
the upper or lower thresholds are exceeded. The size of the object can be adjusted for
different applications. The function can be temporarily block via an enable object. If the
value of the lower threshold lies above the value for the upper threshold, the function is
not executed.
Channel – Object type input
1 byte 0..100%
1 byte 0..255
2 byte float
2 byte signed
2 byte unsigned
4 byte float
The size of the input object can be adapted for different applications. You can select from
the following object types:
1 byte 0 - 100%:
percentage values (0 = 0%, 255 = 100%)
1 byte 0 - 255
: arbitrary values from 0 to 255
2-byte float
: floating point value (physical values such as temperature or brightness) -
671088.64 to 671088.64
2-byte signed
: arbitrary values from -32768 to +32767
2-byte unsigned
: arbitrary values from 0 to 65,535
4-byte float
: floating point value (physical values) -4000000 to 4000000
Channel – Object type output
1 bit switching
1 byte 0..100%
1 byte 0..255
Predefined values are sent out on the communication "Output" communication object if
the upper or lower thresholds are exceeded. The size of the object can be adjusted for
different applications.
Extended parameter – Application activate/deactivate by group object
If the "Enable object" parameter is set to "activated", the function can temporarily be block
via the 1-bit communication object "Enable". The function is active if an ON telegram is
receive on the 1-bit communication object "Enable". The function is block if an OFF
telegram is receive on the 1-bit communication object "Enable". This means that no
telegram is sent out on the "Output" communication object.