KNX Technical Reference Manual
ABB i-Bus
KNX Yucus
General – Additional functions/objects – Presence detector - Object no
Object name
Data type
Presence detector
1 bit DPT 1.001
C, W, T, U
Item 2: If the master/slave mode is active, the "Presence detector (master/slave)" object
of the master and the slave must be connected to the group address of the transmitter.
This object transmits the value 1 to the controller to signal that there are people in the
room. If not other object with a higher priority is present, then the "Presence detector"
causes the controller to be set to the comfort setpoint value. In addition to manual setpoint
adjustment and the adjustment of the basic setpoint value, the setpoint temperature of
the controller can also be defined by objects "Superimposed operating mode",
"Condensate water alarm", "Dew alarm", "Window contact", "Control On/Off", "Presence
detector" and "Operating mode (listed in decreasing order of priority).
General – Additional functions/objects – Basic setpoint - Object no
Object name
Data type
Basic setpoint
2 byte DPT 9.001
C, W, T, U
This 2-byte communication object can be used to change/adjust the parameterized basic
setpoint value via the KNX bus. Parameters can be used to define whether the value
received by this object is interpreted as "Setpoint heating comfort", "Setpoint cooling
comfort" or an average between heating and cooling comfort.
General – Additional functions/objects – Units switchover - Object no
Object name
Data type
Units switchover
1 bit DPT 1.001
C, W, T, U
Units switchover – (master)
1 bit DPT 1.001
C, W, T, U
Units switchover – (slave)
1 bit DPT 1.001
C, W, T, U
Item 2: If the Fahrenheit object is active in the master/slave mode, the Fahrenheit
(slave) object must be connected to this object.
Item 3: If the Fahrenheit object is active in the master/slave mode, the Fahrenheit
(master) object must be connected to this object.
The temperature indication on the display can be changed from Celsius (°C) to Fahrenheit
(°F). The conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit always takes place in the display unit,
since only Celsius values are sent over the KNX bus. The value (0) results in a
temperature indication in Celsius, while the value (1) results in Fahrenheit.