KNX Technical Reference Manual
ABB i-Bus
KNX Yucus
Application “2-button step switch”
The application "2-button step-type switch" facilitates step-type switching. This means
that the user can trigger different switching processes with each new actuation of the
For example:
First operation switches lamp 1 on.
Second operation switches lamp 1 off and lamp 2 on.
The third actuation switches lamp 2 off and lamp 3 on.
The fourth actuation switches lamp 3 off and lamp 1 on.
Up to five switching levels can be activate. In each case, the "2-button step switch"
application makes a separate set of parameters and communication objects available for
the right or left side of the button. The application enables realizing switching functions
via one button side while the other button side can be assign with an additional "button-
orientated" function.
Common parameter – Number of objects
1 to 5
The application can switch up to five levels. For every level, its own 1-bit communication
object is available. The number of the levels is specify via the "Number of objects"
Common parameter – Evaluation period (sec)
Time input from 1 to 5 seconds
The application can differentiate between a single, double, triple, quadruple or quintuple
operation of the button. If the button is to recognize a multiple operation, then the button
must be operated multiple times in a relatively short period of time. The period during
which the button evaluates a multiple operation is start anew after each operation.
Extended parameter –Working mode of the buttons
1st button down, 2nd button up
1st button up, 2nd button down
The "Working mode of the buttons" is used to specified whether an operation of the left
or right side of the button will send out a travel up or travel down telegram.
Extended Parameter – Sending of objects
For change of value
For operation
The parameter "Sending of objects" specifies whether the object values for every button
operation are sent out or only if the object values have changed since the last sending