KNX Technical Reference Manual
ABB i-Bus
KNX Yucus
press of the button. Any time from 0.3 to 3 seconds can be set. A typical value after which
a jump-back to level 1 is set at 0.4 s.
12.8.2 Common parameter – Working mode of the buttons for switching
Alternating on/off
The "Working mode of the buttons for switching" is used to specified whether an operation
of the left or right side of the button will send out an ON or an OFF telegram. Alternatively,
for the selection "Alternating on/off", you can switch between switching on and switching
off for every operation that triggers a switching telegram. This means that after a switch-
on telegram has been sent out (or received), a switch-off telegram will be sent out for a
renewed operation. After it is operated again, a switch-on telegram is sent out.
If a switching telegram is trigger by operation of the button, this will send out on the 1-bit
communication object "Switching".
12.8.3 Common parameter – Working mode of the buttons for dimming
Alternating brighter/darker
For a long operation of the button, a "Relative dimming" dimming telegram is sent out on
the 4-bit communication object. The "Working mode of the buttons for dimming" is used
to specify whether a long operation sends out a dim brighter or a dim darker telegram.
Alternatively, when selecting "Alternating brighter/darker", you can switch between
dimming brighter and darker with each long operation.
This means that after a dim brighter telegram has been sent out (or received), a dim
darker telegram will be sent out for a renewed operation. After it is operated again, a dim
brighter telegram is sent out.
12.8.4 Objects no
Object name
Data type
1 Bit DPT 1.001
C, W, T, U
Relative dimming
4 bit DPT 3.007
C, T
Application “1-button blind”
The buttons differentiate between a short press (stop / slat adjustment) and a long press
(moving) for roller shutter operation (up/down) and between a short press (moving) and
a long press (stop / slat adjustment) for blind operation (left/right). For control, the button
that is assigned with the "1-button blind" application always remembers the last action