6/1531-ANF 901 14 Uen F1 2013-11-29
A Preferred DECT Ring Master ELU31, PDRM, shall be appointed
The PDRM shall be located in a MGU magazine that either receives
its PCM timing from:
- a PSTN network (via E1/T1 interface) with traceable timing (note
1) or
- a MGU/2 board (which have a free running oscillator with appro-
priate timing).
This way the PDRM will be the source of the PCM timing for all
Media Gateways having ELU31 Ring Members.
The PDRM will become Ring Master as long as the DECT Ring is
The PDRM must never provide PCM timing towards its own MGU
This is important to prevent a “sync loop scenario” which could
cause the MGU oscillators to be unstable, resulting in serious
impairment of the DECT functionality.
Therefore: Make sure that the PDRM is not initiated with the
trsp_synchronization command
All Ring Members shall be initiated to provide PCM timing to the
MGU backplanes. see example below: