Chapter 7. Configuring Your Controller
3ware Serial ATA RAID Controller User Guide
Carve Size.
(Referred to as
Carving Factor
in 3BM) Sets the size for
dividing up units into volumes when Auto-Carving is enabled. This
setting can be between 1024 and 2048 GB.
Staggered spin-up.
Spin-up allows drives to be powered-up into the
Standby power management state to minimize in-rush current at power-up
and to allow the controller to sequence the spin-up of drives. Compatible
drives are sent a spin up command based on the settings specified with the
Number of drives per spin-up
Delay between spin-up
. These policies can only be set using 3BM or the CLI.
Number of drives per spin-up.
Number of drives that will spin up at
the same time when the controller is powered up, if staggered spin-up
is enabled. From 1 to x, depending on the number of ports on the
Delay between spin-up.
The delay time (in seconds) between drive
groups that spin up at one time on this particular controller, if
staggered spin-up is enabled.
Export JBOD (unconfigured) disks.
This setting indicates whether
JBOD disks should be exported to the operating system. JBOD
configuration is strongly discouraged for newly added disks on a 9000
series controller, in favor of Single Disk, so by default, this setting is
disabled. If you have a JBOD configuration from a 7000/8000 controller
that you want to use on the 9000 series controller, you should enable this
setting. This policy can only be set in 3BM and CLI.
Staggered method.
Indicates whether the type of staggered spin-up is
ATA-6 or SATA OOB (Out Of Band). By default, when Staggered Spin-
up is enabled, the ATA-6 scheme is used. If your drives support the SATA
OOB method, select that method in 3BM. There is no electronic method
for the controller to know if a drive supports this method, so it must be set
manually. For staggering to work properly, the drives must support the
selected method. This policy can only be set and only shows in 3BM.
Some additional policies can be set at the unit level. For more information,
see “Setting Unit Policies” on page 111.
It is possible to enable or disable automatic detection of drives on the
controller’s ports for staggered spinup during hot-swapping of drives. This
feature is only available in the CLI using the
For more information, see
3ware Serial ATA RAID Controller CLI Guide