Chapter 12. Troubleshooting
3ware Serial ATA RAID Controller User Guide
the rebuild. However, due to ATA drives’ ability to reallocate sectors on write
errors, the rebuild failure is most likely caused by the source drive of the
rebuild detecting some sort of read error. The default operation of the 3ware
RAID controller is to abort a rebuild if an error is encountered. If it is desired
to continue on error, you can set the Continue on Source Error During Rebuild
policy for the unit on the Controller Settings page in 3DM.
For more information, see “Setting Continue on Source Error During
Rebuild” on page 115.
0005 Rebuild completed
The 3ware RAID controller has successfully completed a rebuild. The
completion of the rebuild changes the state of the unit from rebuilding to OK.
The data is now redundant.
0006 Incomplete unit detected
At power-on initialization time, or during a rescan, the 3ware RAID controller
performs a “rollcall” of all drives attached to the card. After detection of the
drives, the 3ware RAID controller then uses an internal algorithm to logically
connect drives that belong to the same unit. If after rollcall a member of a unit
is not found, the INCOMPLETE UNIT message
is sent. Examples of
incomplete units are as follows:
3-drive or larger RAID 5 unit with two or more drives missing. This also
applies to RAID 5 units that are part of a RAID50 unit.
4-drive RAID 10 unit with three drives missing.
Replacing the missing or dead drive and initiating a rebuild will change the
state of the unit from an incomplete unit to OK. No rebuild is required if you
replace the missing drive before loading the driver.
0007 Initialize completed
The 3ware RAID controller has completed the “synching” background
initialization sequence of RAID levels 1, 10, 50, or 5. For RAID 5 and RAID
50, the data on the unit is read and the resultant parity is written to the parity
area on the unit. For RAID 1 and 10, one half of the mirror is copied to the
other half (mirrors are synchronized).
For information on the differences between foreground and background
initialization, see “About Initialization” on page 148
0008 Unclean shutdown detected
The 3ware RAID controller has the ability to detect if the system has been
shutdown via the standard shutdown mechanism of the operating system