3ware Serial ATA RAID Controller User Guide
3DM 2 (3ware Disk Manager)
3ware Disk Manager 2 (3DM 2) allows you to manage and view the status of
your 3ware RAID controllers and associated drives.
There are two parts to 3DM: a process, that runs in the background on the
computer where you have installed your 3ware controller, and a web
application that can be used to access it. 3DM runs as a service under
Microsoft Windows, and as a daemon under Linux and FreeBSD. When the
3DM process is running, you can use your browser to go to 3DM application
pages, where you can view status information about the controller and RAID
units, create RAID units, and perform other administrative and maintenance
tasks locally or remotely.
Two levels of access to 3DM are provided: user and administrator. Users have
view-only access, and can check the status of drives and units. Administrators
can view and make changes, using 3DM to configure RAID units and
designate hot spares, and to perform maintenance tasks on RAID units.
In this section, information is organized into the following topics:
Browser Requirements for 3DM
Installing 3DM
Starting 3DM and Logging In
Working with the 3DM Screens
Setting Up 3DM Preferences
For details about the settings and fields on each of the 3DM 2 screens, see
“3DM 2 Reference” on page 189.
For additional information about managing and maintaining 3ware controllers
using 3DM, see the remaining chapters in this guide.
3DM 2 includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the
OpenSSL Toolkit (