3D Systems, Inc.
The documents listed in this section, will assist you in fi nding solutions to questions that may arise during operation. These documents can be
accessed on
3DS Central
. For ProJet 3D Modeling Client Online Help: Run the client software, select
Help > Help Topics
in the 3D printer systems window or in Build Preview window to launch the client online help. The online help provides
detailed instructions on how to use the client software to setup, run, and manage print jobs.
ProJet 5500X Quick Reference Guide:
Download the quick reference for advice on how to operate the control panel functions,
how to load / remove material bottles, and how to run a test build.
Projet 5500X Facility Requirements Guide.
This guide provides the data that is required when the 3D Systems authorized Field
Service Engineer or your authorized servicing reseller installs the 3D printer system.
Projet 5500X Post Processing Guide:
This document has everything needed to guide you in safely handling and disposing of
VisiJet material, including relevant regulatory guidelines for material disposal worldwide. It also provides information on how to clean
parts once the build process is completed.
VisiJet Material Global Health and Safety.
Ensure that everyone who handles VisiJet materials is familiar with and follows the
safety guidelines. To obtain copies of the Global Health and Safety sheets, click on the following:
Read this guide prior to handling VisiJet materials or operating the 3D printer system. The safety sections inform you how to handle the
material properly and avoid damage and injury when operating the 3D printer system. For more detailed material safety information, refer to the
VisiJet Post Processing Guide
on 3DS Central
System Requirements:
Provides electrical requirements prior to plugging in your 3D printer system for operation. For more detailed facility
requirements information, see the
ProJet 5500X Facility Requirements Guide
on 3DS Central.
At A Glance:
Provides a brief description of the printing system.
3D Printer System Setup:
Provides information on preparing the 3D printer system for builds using the software, and how to send test and
demo builds to the 3D printer system from your computer. Refer also to online help for software instructions.
Describes loading and running the 3D printer system, start and stop print jobs, monitor and control print jobs, unload build parts
and dispose of waste material.
Error Messages:
Defi nes error messages you may see on the 3D printer system touchscreen and provides the action to take to correct the
Provides information on fi nishing models.
3D printer system maintenance procedures which must be done to ensure high part yield and low 3D printer system down time.
Preventive maintenance requires a certifi ed 3D Systems Technical Support Representative.
If problems occur with the 3D printer system, look for solutions in this section fi rst. It describes some common problems
which can occur and suggests corrective actions.
Technical Support:
List of contact numbers of sale and support personnel for your 3D printer system.