UP Plus 3D Printer User Manual
6. Maintenance
6.1 Changing the Material
To change colours or different materials it’s best to f
head. There are two ways to do this.
During Printing
“3D print >Maint
old filament and cut the end of the new filament and insert into the extruder head,
then click “Extrude”. Once you see the new filament being extruded click “R
sume” If you find the new filament gets j
the end again and “Extrude”. Note: While paused the extruder and the platform
remains heating. Do not leave unattended.
While idle, click “3D print >Maintenance” then click
(this takes a couple of minutes for the extruder to reach 260c)
beeps, you should be able to remove the filament. Then click “Extrude” and load the new
filament – cut the end off the new filament before loading.
Always use the Tube or Straw to feed filament in between the roll guide and extruder head.
Push the filament into the hole at the top of the extruder head, with a little pressure, and the e
truder will automatically extrude material.
should be thin, straight and smooth.
ter the material weight of the spool so the printer can keep track of material usage.
If the nozzle is blocked, remove the nozzle and clean it.
The extruder and platform are hot. Use gloves when working in this area of
6.2 Vertical Calibration
This is only recommended to carry out if you find that your models are not vertical.
PORTANT: Ensure your platform is level,
calibration values before starting this process
The Vertical calibration procedure allows you to ensure that the printer platform is perfectly hor
zontal and that the printer prints consistently in the X, Y and Z
4. Troubleshooting
3D Printer User Manual v 2013.6.10
Changing the Material / colours
To change colours or different materials it’s best to first withdraw the material
There are two ways to do this.
>Maintenance” then click “Pause”, then click “Withdraw”, remove the
old filament and cut the end of the new filament and insert into the extruder head,
then click “Extrude”. Once you see the new filament being extruded click “R
sume” If you find the new filament gets jammed, do another withdraw and cut
the end again and “Extrude”. Note: While paused the extruder and the platform
remains heating. Do not leave unattended.
“3D print >Maintenance” then click “Withdraw” to remove the old fil
akes a couple of minutes for the extruder to reach 260c)
beeps, you should be able to remove the filament. Then click “Extrude” and load the new
cut the end off the new filament before loading.
Tube or Straw to feed filament in between the roll guide and extruder head.
Push the filament into the hole at the top of the extruder head, with a little pressure, and the e
truder will automatically extrude material. The plastic thread is squeezed out of the nozzle
and smooth. Then in the maintenance window click “New Spool” and e
ter the material weight of the spool so the printer can keep track of material usage.
If the nozzle is blocked, remove the nozzle and clean it.
The extruder and platform are hot. Use gloves when working in this area of
Vertical Calibration
This is only recommended to carry out if you find that your models are not vertical.
sure your platform is level, at the correct height and you have RESET the
before starting this process!!!
The Vertical calibration procedure allows you to ensure that the printer platform is perfectly hor
zontal and that the printer prints consistently in the X, Y and Z direction.
from the extruder
then click “Pause”, then click “Withdraw”, remove the
old filament and cut the end of the new filament and insert into the extruder head,
then click “Extrude”. Once you see the new filament being extruded click “Re-
ammed, do another withdraw and cut
the end again and “Extrude”. Note: While paused the extruder and the platform
“Withdraw” to remove the old fila-
Once the printer
beeps, you should be able to remove the filament. Then click “Extrude” and load the new
Tube or Straw to feed filament in between the roll guide and extruder head.
Push the filament into the hole at the top of the extruder head, with a little pressure, and the ex-
of the nozzle
Then in the maintenance window click “New Spool” and en-
ter the material weight of the spool so the printer can keep track of material usage.
The extruder and platform are hot. Use gloves when working in this area of
This is only recommended to carry out if you find that your models are not vertical.
and you have RESET the
The Vertical calibration procedure allows you to ensure that the printer platform is perfectly hori-