IM 760201-01E
Subnet Mask
You can set the mask value used to determine the subnet network address from the IP
address. The default value is
• Huge TCP/IP networks such as the Internet are often divided up into smaller networks
called subnetworks. The subnet mask is a 32-bit value that specifies the number of
bits of the IP address that are used to identify the network address. The remaining
portion of the network address is the host address that identifies individual computers
on the network.
• Consult your network administrator for the subnet mask value. You may not need to
set a subnet mask.
• The subnet mask is automatically set in networks that use DHCP.
Default Gateway
You can set the IP address of the gateway used to communicate with other networks
(which is referred to as the default gateway). The default address is
• The default gateway handles data exchange between multiple networks and protocols
so that data transmission proceeds smoothly.
• Consult your network administrator for the default gateway value. You may not need
to set a default gateway.
• The default gateway is automatically set in networks that use DHCP.
DNS (Domain Name System)
DNS is a system that correlates combinations of host names and domain names to IP
addresses. In an address such as AAA.BBBBB.com, AAA is the host name, and BBBBB.
com is the domain name. You can use a host name and domain name to access the
network instead of a numeric IP address.
• Set the domain name, the DNS server address, and the domain suffix. In a network
that supports DHCP, these values can be set automatically.
• You can use a name to access a network drive or printer from the WT500 instead of
an IP address.
• For details, consult your network administrator.
• Domain Name
• Set the domain name of the network that the WT500 belongs to.
• You can enter up to 30 characters.
• The characters that you can use are: 0-9, A-Z, %, _, parentheses, and minus signs.
• DNS Server Address
• Set the IP address of the DNS server. The default setting is
• You can specify up to two DNS server addresses, one primary and one secondary.
If the primary DNS server is down, the WT500 automatically requests the host
name, the domain name, and the IP address from the secondary DNS server.
• Domain Suffix
• When the IP address corresponding to the server name with the specified domain
name (see “Domain Name”) is not found on the DNS server, the system may be
configured to search using a different domain name. Specify this alternate domain
name as the domain suffix.
• You can specify up to two domain suffixes, one primary and one secondary.
11.3 Configuring TCP/IP Settings